

Guide how to use smart-exchange.

Start service

Before you start using smart-exchange you need to setup 2 options - namereg and owner. They are configured automatically by testnet.js, but if you want to use smart-exchange in production environment, you will need to set them by yourself.

cd smart-exchange
node app.js

When using it in production environment I recommend using pm2 as a process manager.

cd smart-exchange
pm2 start app.js

You can also install smart-exchange using npm

npm install smart-exchange -g
smart-exchange config.json # where config.json is full path to your configuration file

You can also use smart-exchange directly from your node application

var se = require('smart-exchange');


Create and register your exchange

After that you need to create your echange contract on the blockchain and register it in the namereg. It can be done with exchange_create method.

At this point, you have successfully deployed an exchange to the blockchain.

Transfer funds from exchange

echange_transfer method can be used to do that. It will move the funds to desired address and create a log in transactions list.

Transfer funds to exchange

You can use this static webpage to transer some funds from your eth address to the exchange. It expects unlocked geth node to be at port 8545.

Get transactions list

We do not provide an API to notify about incoming transations. Although you can query for previous transactions using exchange_transactions method. We will let you know how many confirmations are considered safe during Frontier.

Get transaction by hash

Should be used to get transaction by transaction hash.

Get exchange balance

exchange_balance method can be used to get exchange balance. Although it is not possible to query certain user balance, cause exchange contract do not store such information. It only stores list of transactions with values and from/to identifiers (similar to blockchain).

See also:

pm2, transfer funds page